The heartbeat of Gmgm...
Mercy work
In 2017, God opened a door to India for us. In the state of Kerala, a beautiful place on earth, we work among the poorest people in the forest, tribals. By Gods grace, GMGM is a helping hand to the people in Kerala. As exampel we support children with schoolfees, we distribute clothes and food for homeless and orpheans and helped the local government with foodpackages under a devistating flooding, some year ago.
Our missioncenter in Adimali
Currently we are building our own missioncenter in the town of Adimali. It is already used as house of prayer and worship, office and center where we distribute and organize our mercywork. Please pray that we are able to continue the work in India and our buildning project. The next step is to complete the first floor with windows, floor and a well for fresh water. Approximately cost for that part of the project is 5.000 Euro/50.000 svenska kronor.
Gospel work

" spread the gospel "
The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news and delivers us from sin and boundaries. Our goal is to spread the love of Christ to the tribalpeople in India by helping, preaching and praying.
Evangelium är Guds kraft till frälsning för alla människor. Vårt mål är att sprida den kristna tron, genom hjälpande händer, genom att dela Guds ord och genom förbön.
I Indien arbetar olika lokala team med detta
Bible School

In november 2017 GMGM startet a free Bible School in a village area for tribal people. Since then we run 3 classes of one year studies for moore than 20 people. While we provide free food and transport, we also equipp the students with the word of God. After one year of training the students are ready to go back to there villages and tribes, spreading the message of salvation.

Bible class of 2019