About us/Om oss
Spread the gospel -
experience the mercy of GOD

Global Mercy Gospel Mission, GMGM, started in 2017 after a time of prayer and fasting. The vision is about helping people in need with acts of mercy and sharing the gospel of Jesus.
We are focusing on discipleship training for new believers in Jesus Christ - equipping them with the word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit
What we do/ vad vi gör

Varannan lördag möts vi för matgemenskap, lovsång, bön och Bibelstudium i hem i Sverige. Just nu utvecklas det flera grupper.
Kontakt: Uwe Krause 070 792 84 24

In Kerala/ south India we startet a free Bible school for the tribalpeople. We are now building our own house, what is used for prayermeetings, Bible school and office.

Our main focus is to help poor people. In the deep forest of Kerala live thousands of tribal people without toilet or electricity. We are helping with food, clothes and education.